
German Folksongs
Spanish Folksongs

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*In the Works

What's Happening at RCAguilar.com !!!
June, 2006
I asked myself this questions: "What is this website about?"
I answered myself: "It's about encouraging folks to learn as much as they can about the world around them. That world can be the immediate surroundings, or an internationally traveled territory." It's a big world, and it's all up to you! As I always say: "The world is your textbook. Learn something!"
Since the language pages have been moved to other websites, this site is now dedicated to providing Food for Thought! Things to think about, especially in dealing with self-education!
This site was started to help those who are trying to learn or maintain another language, like for instance: Spanish or German. I also have provided some Folksongs, as a crucial part of language study.
Spanish Pages moved to http://www.intro2spanish.com.
German Pages moved to http://www.intro2german.com.
Folksongs are a great way to learn a language! The German Folksongs (300 plus songs and sound files) are still here at http://www.rcaguilar.com/lieder/index.htm.
Other sections are in the works, including Intro2ESL.com and Intro2Bilingual.com, Spanish Folksongs, & French Folksongs.

Bilingual Pre-K at Tyler School
Located in Central Texas:

Well, I'm doing something new! I have a class of ten 4-year-old bilinguals, who are more fun than any group of college kids! These kids keep me busy, and it's all I can do to keep them busy back! After teaching Foreign Language classes at the college/university level for almost 25 years - I'm now at the Public School level, working toward Certification for teaching Bilingual & ESL students.

L to R on bench: Gilberto, Zión, Moi, Luigi, Alex.
L to R foreground: Wendy, Mariana, Anahí, Stephanie, Rubina, Noé, & Jonathan.

Alternative Certification for Public School Education, Texas Teacher Certification

If you have a Bachelor's Degree and are interested in obtaining your Texas Teaching Credentials, I highly recommend the T.E.A.C.H. program! This program is especially suitable for those who do not live near a regional training center or a university offering alternative certification, because the coursework is achievable online.

This school year (2005-2006) has been spent working with T.E.A.C.H. - An Alternative Certification Hybrid, for Teacher Certification in the State of Texas. Even after having the previous experience teaching adults and upper level courses - there is much to be learned concerning Public School Education. My Master's Degree in German & Spanish carried me throughout my earlier teaching years, but without Public School Certification - you can't do squat in the Public School system.

This Teacher Preparation Program is a finely structured and challenging set of courses that not only prepare one to teach in the public school system, but also to pass the TExES exams - for areas of certification. Courses have been developed by super-qualified teachers who have spent years experiencing the challenges of the Public School system. It is truly a wonderful experience to share in their knowledge-base!

I spent two years inquiring into Alternative Certification programs, through local Colleges and Universities. The initial run-around was always to pay your money up front, then have your questions answered! There was never any discussion concerning program support, nor did the "telephone representatives" seem to have a clue as to any details concerning their own programs. It was pretty frustrating.

It was very fortunate for me to have discovered the T.E.A.C.H. Program - because nothing was left to question. The program is outlined for you. Program supervisors are readily available and always there to help. The coursework is intense & informative - yet challenging, providing a sense of integrity that leaves one feeling truly accomplished - and ready to teach!


May 2006
July 2006