Wem Gott will rechte Gunst erweisen
Joseph v. Eichendorff (1788-1857) |
Theodor Fröhlich(1803-1836) |
Wem Gott will rechte Gunst erweisen,
Den schickt er in die weite Welt,
Dem will Er seine Wunder weisen
In Berg und Wald und Strom und Feld.
Die Trägen die zu Hause liegen,
Erquicket nicht das Morgenrot,
Sie wissen nur von Kinderwiegen,
Von Sorgen, Last und Not um Brot.
Die Bächlein von den Bergen springen,
Die Lerchen schwirren hoch vor Lust,
Was sollt' ich nicht mit ihnen singen
Aus voller Kehl' und frischer Brust?
Den lieben Gott laß ich nun walten,
Der Bächlein, Lerchen, Wald und Feld
Und Erd und Himmel will erhalten,
Hat auch mein Sach' aufs Best' bestellt.
producing this midi file: |
midi file was prepared on Wednesday, 10 April, 2002. |
majority of the midi files prepared on this site were produced
as this one was. |
enter the dots onto the page. |
I only have the melody onhand, so I start there. |
enter the melody onto the score, and look for the bass sequence
(establish key signature). |
following harmonies, counter-melodies, fillers, percussion
lines, etc. come out of my head. |
dealing with midi files, each note has to be entered for duration,
velocity (how severely the note is attacked/played, volume,
chorus (how many instruments one line can sound like), reverb,
etc. |
are many varying factors, so that you can actually "establish
the performance" of each instrument. |
entire process is still "experimental" for me, in that I'm
still discovering HOW to use the midi programs. |
program most often used is Cakewalk
Pro. |