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Tips for Learning Another Language
Hey, YOU !!!
This page will get bigger and bigger as I put in "tricks" that I found useful in learning another language.
Si vas a aprender a HABLAR otro idioma, vas a tener que meterte en HABLARLO.
If you're really going to learn to SPEAK another language, you have to force yourself to SPEAK IT.
Wenn es so ist, daß Du noch eine Sprache SPRECHEN willst, dann mußt Du eben SPRECHEN:
Una de las mejores actividades en que puedes aprender mucho es JUGAR.
One of the best things to do with a new language is PLAY.
Etwas Gutes - was zur Bildung eigentlich gehört - ist SPIELEN:
Hay que jugar con el vocabulario, jugar con frases, jugar con conceptos, etc.
Play with the words, play with phrases, play with sentences, etc.
Spiel mit dem Wortschatz, mit Wortgruppen, mit Sätzen, usw.
Más depende en cuánto se expone uno al idioma y vice versa, con cuánto se repite, se imita, se usa, ... se hace el suyo.
It's all more or less the exposure you get to a language, plus how much of it YOU repeat, copy, imitate, use, ... make your own.
Man müßte eigentlich eine Sprache erfahren, damit man die Aussprache wiederhole, nachahme, imitiere, verwende, ... die SEINE EIGENE machen kann.
¿Apoco no se puede asumir que ya hablas algún idioma?
It might be assumed that you already speak one language.
Du hast doch schon eine Sprache gelernt, ... oder?
Si ya hablas un idioma, ... PUEDES incorporar otro.
If you got that one down, ... you CAN do another.
Wenn Du Deutsch kannst, ... KANNST Du auch noch eine lernen.
Sé persistente.
Be persistent.
Sei deutsch.
Exposure ... "expose yourself" to as much of the target language as you possibly can. This can be with videos, audio recordings, language tapes, songs, ... anything that lets you hear the sounds of the language over and over again. Don't worry about understanding everything, --- or even anything. Get used to hearing/listening to the language.
Best habit to work on is "listen." HEAR the new sounds.
Best practice you can get is "talk."
Practice speaking new vocabulary when you're alone. OUT LOUD!
When you're working on a new vocabulary list, choose a word or two and enter it/them into the search box and read the titles listed on your "results page" OUT LOUD! This is a pronunciation drill and will help you also in your subliminal comprehension development. (Believe it or not!)
Richard C. Aguilar
author of this site
TLLP (c) RCAguilar 2004
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