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The links listed in the drop-down menu above take you to the various areas of study to be concentrated on for learning Spanish. If you're a beginner, you need to cover the Pronunciation section first. After that, go any way you want with these pages.
It doesn't matter which areas you go into after you start, because if you have any sense of curiosity whatsoever, you'll find yourself learning something on any and every page.
Language is a very personal thing! You only need to study those areas that you want to develop in, though you'll find that all of the material will become inter-related in due course.
As long as you're proceeding in your own development, and as long as you're able to say what YOU want to say, don't let anyone else tell you that "you have to say this or that in any given way." That means, there's a lot of flexibility in Spanish, and you can learn to speak it however you wish.

The link to the right take you to the Spanish lessons already provided in this website. More lessons are in progress, and the listing given only represents the first grouping: Batch-01. Batches 02 thru 05 are currently in progress. No date has been established for their appearance, but it will be soon.
If you follow each lesson carefully, you will be able to pick up quite a bit through each one. There are sound files included, which make the learning process even easier, since you can listen to each file as many times as it takes. Be certain that your browser has associated .ra and .rm files with RealMedia Player, so that the files can be heard and the page not go away!
Check back frequently for more additions to the lessons, as the progress is occurring rapidly nowadays.

Vocabulary builders! Seeing Spanish words and hearing them provide comprehension development, as well as audio-visual association for the written word.
If there are particular areas and terminologies that you are interested in, go into those areas and pick up the vocabulary that you will use. You needn't try to pick up vocabulary that isn't a part of your own universe.
As you progress through your own vocabulary development, you will find yourself recognizing more and more words that you haven't even studied yet, simply through assimilation. It really works!
Further pages are currently being produced, including transportation & vehicles, fruit & nuts, other food groups, buildings & constructions, etc.
These pages are also in a constant state of progression, with exercises being added to provide direction in your language learning efforts. It is also helpful to follow links to sponsor sites, to USE the vocabulary that you are learning.

Having problems figuring out what to do with this verb or that one? These verb lists are useful study tools, as they provide hints concerning variations in the conjugation of different types of verbs. If you can look at the lists and conjugate all of the verbs listed in all tenses, you speak Spanish!
The Leader Page identifies the various levels of study for each of the pages listed.
By no means is every single verb in the Spanish language found in these pages. These listings and the vocabulary included are merely enough to provide sufficient exposure to put you well on your way to getting it all down. As you learn more of your own vocabulary, you can find more terms in dictionaries or through personal inquiry.
There is an alphabetical listing across the top of all of the verb list pages, leading to a list of verb beginning with the particular letter chosen.

Indicative Mood
PRESENT TENSE covers the territory of what's going on now! I work at Joe's. I'm eating in a restaurant. We're going to Spain next summer. He works hard. Those are all examples of sentences in the present tense.
IMPERFECT TENSE tells what was happening, what would regularly occur, what used to go on. It provides information that is usually background for events. It was raining when the tree fell on the house. There's an event and a background in that statement. Which is which?
PRETERITE TENSE provides verbs in the form of stating a past event, an occurrence, ... it happened! It is the event of the tree falling onto the house. An accident that occurred. A deed someone did. This is what News Reporters are out to tell you, as they sensationalize some small doing in Podunk, USA. Mrs. Smith broke her leg today.
FUTURE TENSE gives information in a conjectural form, more than stating what is going to happen. It may be used for "future actions" - but generally is not. If you want to state or ask what somebody might be thinking of doing, use a verb in the future tense!
CONDITIONAL TENSE is always "would" do something, if something else were to be the circumstances or something else were to occur. Nothing about the conditional tense is real, in the sense that the action is never really going on. It's based on some condition that's not known to exist yet.
A difficult area for any language is the study of verbs and what happens to them when you're trying to communicate. This is called conjugation.
The first major hurdle in conjugating a verb is to recognize the timeframe of the action. This is called tense recognition.
There are 5 basic timeframes for Spanish verbs, those being present, past (imperfect & preterite), future, and conditional.
Even so, more divisions occur through a division into mood, being indicative or subjunctive. Indicative mood is used when the action is real and valid. Subjunctive mood is used to communicate conjecture, doubt, suspicion, wish, etc. These will become clearer through usage.
More divisions occur in recognition of actions in progress (progressive tenses) and perfective aspects.
Progressive tenses are formed through using the verb "to be" (estar) plus a present participle. These tenses show all actions as on-going, "being done."
Perfect tenses are formed through using the verb "to have" (haber) plus a past participle. These tenses show all actions as completed, "having been done."
Though the number of charts may seem overwhelming, a bit of diligence and effort will pay off in your recognizing patterns throughout. If you look at English objectively and analyze the number of variables in verb conjugation (spelling being the worst), you will see that Spanish is much easier in its formations.
The pages listed do not include all of the conjugation patterns that exist in Spanish. More pages are being developed, further providing examples for the subjunctive, progressive, and perfect tense formations. Check back often!

Week of 04.04.04 -10.04.04 - This Week's Additions & Revisions:
Uses of the Preposition: Durante New Page! This page provides information concerning the various usages of the preposition durante.
Spanish Index That's this page ...

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