
Spanish Verb Conjugation: Indicative Mood: Present Tense
Present Tense: ER & IR Verbs: "Yo" Form ending -zco


Concentrate on the -zco ending for a relatively small group of verbs in Spanish.
Especially concentrate on the "yo" form with these, as it is the only form which takes the -zco ending, which will later be used as the basis for forming the present subjunctive forms.
A rolling stone gathers no moss. A true gentleman never talks. A real hero doesn't give up! A good mind is hard to find! NOW you can say you're perplexed!
Why does the "yo" form have to be different?
Just because.
I told you earlier not to ask me "WHY?" !!!
This particular "exception" is really easy to catch just by keeping an eye on verb infinitives ending -ocer, -ecer, and -ucir.
And besides that, just wait'll you see what happens to 'em in the subjunctive! It ain't pretty!
I wonder if true objectivity can be achieved in a monolingual society ...

Spanish Studies
Verb Tenses
Verb Conjugation
Grammar Terms
Noun Cognates
Verb Lists
Vocabulary Lists
Indicative Mood
Present Tense
Regular -ar Verbs
Regular -er Verbs
Regular -ir Verbs
Stem e -> ie
Stem o -> ue
Stem e -> i
Stem iar: i -> í
Stem uar: u -> ú
Stem uir: i -> y
Stem ger/gir: g -> j
Yo form -oy
Yo form -zco
Yo form -go
Imperfect Tense
AR Verbs
ER & IR Verbs
Preterite Tense
Regular AR Verbs
Ending -car
Ending -gar
Ending -zar
ER/IR Verbs
ER/IR Verbs vowel Stem
IR Stem-changers
Irregular Stems
Future Tense
Regular Verbs
Irregular Stems
Conditional Tense
Regular Verbs
Irregular Stems
Progressive Tenses
Perfect Tenses

Subject Pronouns
*In some countries in Central & South America vos is used instead of .

Reflexive Pronouns
me nos
te os
se  se

Direct Object Pronouns
me nos
te os

Indirect Object Pronouns
me nos
te os
le les
Verbs with Yo form ending in -zco
Some ER & IR verbs have an irregular -zco ending for the yo form in the present tense:
ER aparecer to appear auftauchen, erscheinen
conocer to know, be familiar with kennen
crecer to grow wachsen
establecer to establish begründen
parecer to seem, appear scheinen
IR conducir to drive, conduct fahren, führen
deducir to deduce, deduct deduzieren
introducir to introduce vorstellen
producir to produce produzieren, herstellen
There are no AR verbs for this category.
This change only occurs in the yo form. All other forms are conjugated normally.
Drop the -er or the -ir: That's the stem !!

Present tense: -zco verb
Yo form
To make this form, drop the -cer or -cir from the end of the infinitive and add -zco to the stem.
This is important to realize, because the present tense yo form is the basis for forming present subjunctive forms.
aparecer aparezco I show up I do show up I'm showing up
ich tauche auf
conocer conozco I know I do know I'm knowing
ich kenne
crecer crezco I grow I do grow I'm growing
ich wachse
establecer establezco I establish I do establish I'm establishing
ich begründe
parecer parezco I seem, resemble I do seem, resemble I'm seeming, resembling
ich gleiche
Notice that these verb infinitives end with -ocer or -ecer.
conducir conduzco I drive I do drive I'm driving
ich fahre, führe
deducir deduzco I deduce, deduct I do deduce, deduct I'm deducing, deducting
ich deduziere
introducir introduzco I introduce I do introduce I'm introducing
ich stelle vor
producir produzco I produce I do produce I'm producing
ich stelle her
Notice that these verb infinitives end with -ucir.
What do they have in common now ?
The stem (verb minus ER or IR) tells you the action.
Using the -zco ending says I am doing this action, and it's going on NOW.
Each verb form in Spanish matches a specific pronoun, so Spanish doesn't need to use the pronoun.
That means: each of the conjugated forms you see says ALL of the given "meaning."
The YO is understood, because of the ending.
You don't need to say YO. If you do add the YO, it usually adds emphasis, saying I dooo ...
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Present tense: -zco verb
The form of these verbs is not affected, and follows the normal pattern for -er & -ir verb conjugation.
To make this form, drop the -er or -ir from the end of the infinitive and add -es to the stem.
ER *
aparecer apareces you show up you do show up you're showing up
du tauchst auf
conocer conoces you know you do know you're knowing
du kennst
crecer creces you grow you do grow you're growing
du wächst
establecer estableces you establish you do establish you're establishing
du begründest
parecer pareces you seem, resemble you do seem, resemble you're seeming, resembling
du gleichst
Notice that these verb infinitives end with -ocer or -ecer.
IR *
conducir conduces you drive you do drive you're driving
du fährst, führst
deducir deduces you deduce, deduct you do deduce, deduct you're deducing, deducting
du deduzierst
introducir introduces you introduce you do introduce you're introducing
du stellst vor
producir produces you produce you do produce you're producing
du stellst her
Notice that these verb infinitives end with -ucir.
* The "do" form is most often inverted into question form: "Do you _____?"
The stem (verb minus ER or IR) tells you the action.
Using the -es ending says you are doing this action, and it's going on NOW.
Each verb form in Spanish matches a specific pronoun, so Spanish doesn't need to use the pronoun.
That means: each of the conjugated forms you see says ALL of the given "meaning."
The is understood, because of the ending.
You don't need to say . If you do add the , it usually adds emphasis, saying you dooo ...
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Present tense: -zco verb
Él form
The él form of these verbs is not affected, and follows the normal pattern for -er & -ir verb conjugation.
To make this form, drop the -er or -ir from the end of the infinitive and add -e to the stem.
ER *
aparecer aparece he shows up he does show up he's showing up
er taucht auf
conocer conoce he knows he does know he's knowing
er kennt
crecer crece he grows he does grow he's growing
er wächst
establecer establece he establishes he does establish he's establishing
er begründet
parecer parece he seems, resembles he does seem, resemble he's seeming, resembling
er gleicht
Notice that these verb infinitives end with -ocer or -ecer.
IR *
conducir conduce he drives he does drive he's driving
er fährt, führt
deducir deduce he deduces, deducts he does deduce, deduct he's deducing, deducting
er deduziert
introducir introduce he introduces he does introduce he's introducing
er stellt vor
producir produce he produces he does produce he's producing
er stellt her
Notice that these verb infinitives end with -ucir.
* The "do" form is most often inverted into question form: "Does he _____?"
The stem (verb minus ER or IR) tells you the action.
Using the -e ending says he is doing this action, and it's going on NOW.
Each verb form in Spanish matches a specific pronoun, so Spanish doesn't need to use the pronoun.
That means: each of the conjugated forms you see says ALL of the given "meaning."
The ÉL is understood, because of the ending.
You don't need to say ÉL. If you do add the ÉL, it usually adds emphasis, saying you dooo ...
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Present tense: -zco verb
Ella form
The ella form of these verbs is not affected, and follows the normal pattern for -er & -ir verb conjugation.
To make this form, drop the -er or -ir from the end of the infinitive and add -e to the stem.
ER *
aparecer aparece she shows up she does show up she's showing up
sie taucht auf
conocer conoce she knows she does know she's knowing
sie kennt
crecer crece she grows she does grow she's growing
sie wächst
establecer establece she establishes she does establish she's establishing
sie begründet
parecer parece she seems, resembles she does seem, resemble she's seeming, resembling
sie gleicht
Notice that these verb infinitives end with -ocer or -ecer.
IR *
conducir conduce she drives she does drive she's driving
sie fährt, führt
deducir deduce she deduces, deducts she does deduce, deduct she's deducing, deducting
sie deduziert
introducir introduce she introduces she does introduce she's introducing
sie stellt vor
producir produce she produces she does produce she's producing
sie stellt her
Notice that these verb infinitives end with -ucir.
* The "do" form is most often inverted into question form: "Does she _____?"
The stem (verb minus ER or IR) tells you the action.
Using the -e ending says she is doing this action, and it's going on NOW.
Each verb form in Spanish matches a specific pronoun, so Spanish doesn't need to use the pronoun.
That means: each of the conjugated forms you see says ALL of the given "meaning."
The ELLA is understood, because of the ending.
You don't need to say ELLA. If you do add the ELLA, it usually adds emphasis, saying she doooes ...
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Present tense: -zco verb
Usted form
The usted form of these verbs is not affected, and follows the normal pattern for -er & -ir verb conjugation.
To make this form, drop the -er or -ir from the end of the infinitive and add -e to the stem.
ER *
aparecer aparece you show up you do show up you're showing up
Sie tauchen auf
conocer conoce you know you do know you're knowing
Sie kennen
crecer crece you grow you do grow you're growing
Sie wachsen
establecer establece you establish you do establish you're establishing
Sie begründen
parecer parece you seem, resemble you do seem, resemble you're seeming, resembling
Sie gleichen
Notice that these verb infinitives end with -ocer or -ecer.
IR *
conducir conduce you drive you do drive you're driving
Sie fahren, führen
deducir deduce you deduce, deduct you do deduce, deduct you're deducing, deducting
Sie deduzieren
introducir introduce you introduce you do introduce you're introducing
Sie stellen vor
producir produce you produce you do produce you're producing
Sie stellen her
Notice that these verb infinitives end with -ucir.
* The "do" form is most often inverted into question form: "Do you _____?"
The stem (verb minus ER or IR) tells you the action.
Using the -e ending says a You is doing this action, and it's going on NOW.
Each verb form in Spanish matches a specific pronoun, so Spanish doesn't need to use the pronoun.
That means: each of the conjugated forms you see says ALL of the given "meaning."
The USTED is understood, because of the ending.
You don't need to say USTED. If you do add the USTED, it usually adds emphasis, saying you dooooooo ...
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Present tense: -zco verb
Nosotros & Nosotras form
The nosotros form of these verbs is not affected, and follows the normal pattern for -er verb conjugation.
To make this form, drop the -er from the end of the infinitive and add -emos to the stem.
aparecer aparecemos we show up we do show up we're showing up
wir tauchen auf
conocer conocemos we know we do know we're knowing
wir kennen
crecer crecemos we grow we do grow we're growing
wir wachsen
establecer establecemos we establish we do establish we're establishing
wir begründen
parecer parecemos we seem, resemble we do seem, resemble we're seeming, resembling
wir gleichen
Notice that these verb infinitives end with -ocer or -ecer.
The nosotros form of these verbs is not affected, and follows the normal pattern for -ir verb conjugation.
To make this form, drop the -ir from the end of the infinitive and add -imos to the stem.
conducir conducimos we drive we do drive we're driving
wir fahren, führen
deducir deducimos we deduce, deduct we do deduce, deduct we're deducing, deducting
wir deduzieren
introducir introducimos we introduce we do introduce we're introducing
wir stellen vor
producir producimos we produce we do produce we're producing
wir stellen her
Notice that these verb infinitives end with -ucir.
The stem (verb minus ER or IR) tells you the action.
Using the -mos ending says we are doing this action, and it's going on NOW.
Each verb form in Spanish matches a specific pronoun, so Spanish doesn't need to use the pronoun.
That means: each of the conjugated forms you see says ALL of the given "meaning."
The NOSOTROS is understood, because of the ending.
You don't need to say NOSOTROS. If you do add the NOSOTROS, it usually adds emphasis, saying we dooo ...
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Present tense: -zco verb
Vosotros & Vosotras form
The vosotros form of these verbs is not affected, and follows the normal pattern for -er verb conjugation.
To make this form, drop the -er from the end of the infinitive and add -éis to the stem.
aparecer aparecéis y'all show up y'all do show up y'all are showing up
ihr taucht auf
conocer conocéis y'all know y'all do know y'all are knowing
ihr kennt
crecer crecéis y'all grow y'all do grow y'all are growing
ihr wachst
establecer establecéis y'all establish y'all do establish y'all are establishing
ihr begründet
parecer parecéis y'all seem, resemble y'all do seem, resemble y'all are seeming, resembling
ihr gleicht
Notice that these verb infinitives end with -ocer or -ecer.
The vosotros form of these verbs is not affected, and follows the normal pattern for -ir verb conjugation.
To make this form, drop the -ir from the end of the infinitive and add -ís to the stem.
conducir conducís y'all drive y'all do drive y'all are driving
ihr fahrt, führt
deducir deducís y'all deduce, deduct y'all do deduce, deduct y'all are deducing, deducting
ihr deduziert
introducir introducís y'all introduce y'all do introduce y'all are introducing
ihr stellt vor
producir producís y'all produce y'all do produce y'all are producing
ihr stellt her
Notice that these verb infinitives end with -ucir.
The stem (verb minus ER or IR) tells you the action.
Using the -éis & -ís endings say that y'all are doing this action, and it's going on NOW.
Each verb form in Spanish matches a specific pronoun, so Spanish doesn't need to use the pronoun.
That means: each of the conjugated forms you see says ALL of the given "meaning."
The VOSOTROS is understood, because of the ending.
You don't need to say VOSOTROS. If you do add the VOSOTROS, it usually adds emphasis, saying y'all dooo ...
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Present tense: -zco verb
Ellos form
The ellos form of these verbs is not affected, and follows the normal pattern for -er & -ir verb conjugation.
To make this form, drop they -er or -ir from the end of they infinitive and add -en to the stem.
ER *
aparecer aparecen they show up they do show up they're showing up
sie tauchen auf
conocer conocen they know they do know they're knowing
sie kennen
crecer crecen they grow they do grow they're growing
sie wachsen
establecer establecen they establish they do establish they're establishing
sie begründen
parecer parecen they seem, resemble they do seem, resemble they're seeming, resembling
sie gleichen
Notice that these verb infinitives end with -ocer or -ecer.
IR *
conducir conducen they drive they do drive they're driving
sie fahren, führen
deducir deducen they deduce, deduct they do deduce, deduct they're deducing, deducting
sie deduzieren
introducir introducen they introduce they do introduce they're introducing
sie stellen vor
producir producen they produce they do produce they're producing
sie stellen her
Notice that these verb infinitives end with -ucir.
* The "do" form is most often inverted into question form: "Do they _____?"
The stem (verb minus ER or IR) tells you the action.
Using the -en ending says they are doing this action, and it's going on NOW.
Each verb form in Spanish matches a specific pronoun, so Spanish doesn't need to use the pronoun.
That means: each of the conjugated forms you see says ALL of the given "meaning."
they ELLOS is understood, because of the ending.
You don't need to say ELLOS. If you do add the ELLOS, it usually adds emphasis, saying they dooooo ...
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Present tense: -zco verb
Ellas form
The ellas form of these verbs is not affected, and follows the normal pattern for -er & -ir verb conjugation.
To make this form, drop they -er or -ir from the end of they infinitive and add -en to the stem.
ER *
aparecer aparecen they show up they do show up they're showing up
sie tauchen auf
conocer conocen they know they do know they're knowing
sie kennen
crecer crecen they grow they do grow they're growing
sie wachsen
establecer establecen they establish they do establish they're establishing
sie begründen
parecer parecen they seem, resemble they do seem, resemble they're seeming, resembling
sie gleichen
Notice that these verb infinitives end with -ocer or -ecer.
IR *
conducir conducen they drive they do drive they're driving
sie fahren, führen
deducir deducen they deduce, deduct they do deduce, deduct they're deducing, deducting
sie deduzieren
introducir introducen they introduce they do introduce they're introducing
sie stellen vor
producir producen they produce they do produce they're producing
sie stellen her
Notice that these verb infinitives end with -ucir.
* The "do" form is most often inverted into question form: "Do they _____?"
The stem (verb minus ER or IR) tells you the action.
Using the -en ending says they are doing this action, and it's going on NOW.
Each verb form in Spanish matches a specific pronoun, so Spanish doesn't need to use the pronoun.
That means: each of the conjugated forms you see says ALL of the given "meaning."
The ellas is understood, because of the ending.
You don't need to say ellas. If you do add the ellas, it usually adds emphasis, saying they dooooo ...
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Present tense: -zco verb
Ustedes form
The ustedes form of these verbs is not affected, and follows normal patterns for -er & -ir verb conjugation.
To make this form, drop the -er or -ir from the end of the infinitive and add -en to the stem.
ER *
aparecer aparecen y'all show up y'all do show up y'all are showing up
Sie tauchen auf
conocer conocen y'all know y'all do know y'all are knowing
Sie kennen
crecer crecen y'all grow y'all do grow y'all are growing
Sie wachsen
establecer establecen y'all establish y'all do establish y'all are establishing
Sie begründen
parecer parecen y'all seem, resemble y'all do seem, resemble y'all are seeming, resembling
Sie gleichen
Notice that these verb infinitives end with -ocer or -ecer.
IR *
conducir conducen y'all drive y'all do drive y'all are driving
Sie fahren, führen
deducir deducen y'all deduce, deduct y'all do deduce, deduct y'all are deducing, deducting
Sie deduzieren
introducir introducen y'all introduce y'all do introduce y'all are introducing
Sie stellen vor
producir producen y'all produce y'all do produce y'all are producing
Sie stellen her
Notice that these verb infinitives end with -ucir.
* The "do" form is most often inverted into question form: "Do y'all _____?"
The stem (verb minus ER or IR) tells you the action.
Using the -en ending says y'all are doing this action, and it's going on NOW.
Each verb form in Spanish matches a specific pronoun, so Spanish doesn't need to use the pronoun.
That means: each of the conjugated forms you see says ALL of the given "meaning."
The ustedes is understood, because of the ending.
You don't need to say ustedes. If you do add the ustedes, it usually adds emphasis, saying y'all dooooo ...
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